Monday, March 31, 2008

Women Stuck on Toilet Bowl for 2 years

Today's sermon at City Harvest Church was about INDECISION!

Can u imagine this?

There was a women in Texas, who was stuck to her toilet bowl! Being glued in the same position for 2 years, her fats grew stuck to the bowl.


Her boyfriend said that he tried to coax her out, but she always put it off - Until they both realized that she was now STUCK!

Inevitably, the Police were called in, to rescue her from her smelly ordeal!

Procrastination is our No. 1 enemy!

That's why successful people are those, that are able to follow through with their everyday decisions.

Athletes become Olympic champions, because they make a decision to train daily!

Winners used to be losers, who made a decision to never give up!

Here are 9 steps that can help us to overcome procrastination:

  1. Activate Your Planner
  2. Break down Large Tasks
  3. Create Datelines
  4. Deal with the mess
  5. Encourage Yourself!
  6. Face your fears
  7. Goals review
  8. Hang on & don't give up!
  9. Initiate things now!

And lastly:

If you thought that I was joking about the lady in the toilet bowl, check out the news report below:


Anonymous said...

I was going to add to your procrastination list, but I'll do it tomorrow.

Abigail said...

haha..about the lady in the toilet bowl seat, if i remember the article correctly, she has got some psychological problem with toilets due to past experiences at the point of reading that article, i was actually amazed at her laziness and her ability to sleep, eat use the toilet the entire time without developing Koinoniphobia. haha. But this actually taught me something about not procrastinating. hee.

Anonymous said...

Interesting article... True.. one should stop procastinating. :) thanks for dropping by my blog

Ed or Edmund Tay said...


No problem...Tks for dropping by & I really appreciate your comments

Ed or Edmund Tay said...


She has got to be a bit crazy...can u imagine spending 2 years of your life in the toilet

Anonymous said...

really? wow I heard about a woman in KAnsas that had a fobia to leave the bathroom and she was on the toilet for to years stait!!! Her skin adventually got stuck and her husband finally caled the cops!!!!

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