Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Market & the 3 Amigos

Today, when I came home after running an errand, Nicole came up to me and said that she wants to watch some home videos of herself.

Nic exclaimed, "I want to watch the video when we go to the market, and I blocked Nathan!"

"Block Nathan!?! You are so naughty...Nic...I didn't know you did it on purpose!" I replied.

Oh no! And all this while, I thought she was oblivious to the fact, that she was obstructing her brother.

Take a look at the video, and u will know what I am talking about.


On a lighter note, I was just talking to some friends about the kids.

3 amigos with special font

Have you realized how fast the kids forget you when they are young?

What do I mean?

Well, when you spend time and play with your kids, they will really become attached to you, but if you go for a business trip for 1 week, or overseas for a longer period of time, you will find that babies and very young children forget you very quickly.

It's kind of like when you are a young Christian: You may be very touched when you first get saved, and very motivated to come to church.

But if you give church a miss for even 1 week, or if no one comes along and encourages you along the way, you will gradually just forget God and become cold towards Him.

I guess that's why - God is always like a good parent, always trying to lead us back our quiet time, and to a godly fellowship.

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Anonymous said...

Dear Edmund,
thanks for sharing, I really enjoy reading about family life

Ed or Edmund Tay said...

ED- Kok Siang

Thanks! It was a real privilege for nicole to be a flower girl at your wedding! :)

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