Sunday, June 1, 2008

Our New Tent & Camping

Grandpa just bought Nicole & Nathan a tent from Carrefour!

The famous mega-mart at Carrefour had a sale, and its tents were just going at only $5!

The children were excited as one of my guys-David, brought the tent into the house.

Immediately, we dismantled the packaging and we started setting up the tent. Nicole was really excited!

tent making process

Many thanks to Lucas, Joe Peck, Garvin and the guys for helping me set up the tent. It was really much bigger than I expected and it took up nearly the whole living room!

in the tent

Look at little Nathan!

He is really so adorable especially when he walks around the tent with his teddy bear!

I will definitely spend a night in the tent with the kids, when they are older.

It is one of those things, that the kids will like doing with their Daddy!


Sharon Chew's blog said...

So cute! And $5 is super cheap lor....
Nicole looks delighted!

Ed or Edmund Tay said...

ED-sha chew

Yes!!! She kept on playing with the tent for the next few days!

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