Sunday, January 13, 2008

Where is Nicole?

Last week, we decided to pick Nicole up from school early. With her current switch to the afternoon session, we thought that sending her home early, would be good for her, as it would mean that she could take an afternoon nap.

Reaching the school, we realised that the children were in the school yard playing. There were kids playing on the slides, and many children on bicycles 'zooming' around the yard as well.

As Weng, my wife and myself looked out of the car windows, we were busy scanning the yard. We were all so excited, wondering whether Nicole would be on the bicycle or the slide!

However, Nic was nowhere in sight!

As mummy walked into the school to look for Nic, she suddenly noticed a little girl sitting on the corner of the yard.

Walking closer, she saw little Nicole, happily sitting on a bench, swinging her legs, and stuffing herself with DONUTS!

Oh no! When everyone else is playing, My little girl has opted to EAT instead!
This is one little girl who loves her food! As u can see from the photo.

Hopefully, my prayer about making her a great athlete will be answered by God very soon!
Before i go, hope that u will enjoy this Simpson's video that I found!


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