Friday, December 14, 2007

New Christmas Traditions

Talking about Christmas and Santa Claus, We decided to do a search on some family traditions that we can start for the kids.

Some ideas are:

  1. Preparing snacks & milk for Santa and the Reindeer

  2. Singing carols followed by Christmas Eve Dinner

  3. Tracking Santas' flight on the US Norad Website (click here)

  4. Christmas Stockings

  5. Opening 1 Christmas present at every hour on Xmas Day.

  6. Kids get new pajamas for Christmas Eve, in case they run into Santa
We decided on 1 tradition today - Check it out!

Mummy is going to fill the stocking with sweets and other goodies, so that when Nicole wakes up on Christmas morning, she is going to be really EXCITED!!!


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